You are on a diet, you are eating healtier and less but every time you look your image in the mirror you would want to change something on your body (arms, more toned legs, a flat belly, more muscle definition all over the body).

So I started to think maybe I'd need to go in a gym to do daily exercise, I have a goal on my body when I will turn 30 I want to have a great body, do you remember Jlo at her 40th birthday? she was amazing and she did a lot of gym

I tested 3 different gyms asking information about everything, prices, courses, policies, insurance but every time I asked to understand better what there  is on basic subscription seems that you are asking something impossible, for every trainer you must to have a lot of calsses daily: youga in the morning, followed by pilates, turkish hamman in the night or zumba class and more...ehm I'd have a work and I need to keep it!

Basic price on basic subscription on gym isnt so cheap in the end, because if yu want to attend some extra course you must to pay and in the end of moth/year is a big cost, the best choiche is full optional and all inclusive subscription but I don't have time to attend every course, keep a job and mantain also a social life...

Gym number 1: is quiet near to my home, there are basic courses and not so new courses ( and when there are you must to book lesson and pay so if you don't attend you cannot be remboursed) a big parkking and a small cafe inside it.

Gym number 2: Near my office, there is a big parking and also it is situated on industry side of town there are a lot of shops as grocery, cafes, bank, travel agency and also mecanic.

Gym 3: Big parking ( yes I choose the gym with more big parking side), big variety of courses that are updated every month, a big swimming pool indoor and outdoor ( I love swim, I love summer to go to swim almost daily), beauty department complete with everything.

But every gym didnt convinced me on baths, them weren't so clean, with everything wrote on paper,gym number 3 seems the best deal but calculating the cost of fuel it is became the wors, fuel is really expesive in this moment and I am trying to save on it using  the car less is possible)

Hire a personal trainer? bankruptcy at first sight! So I started to think about different way of gym for free:

Walking -this is nice and usually I do 3 times per day with my lovely dog, good exercise for legs and pleasant time with your dog at least 30 minutes per time)

Bike- ok my company dont offer me benefit if I use bike instead of car, but this is perfect as full body exercise and I am using more now that journeys are more warm and sunny

In line skate; I did and I loved it when I was in middle school snd I still have a pair of skates, plus last month near home is been openend a new park where you can use bike, skates, run...
I have also several dvds for gym: pilates, zumba, youga, streching, dance and more.

Usually I find really boring do gym alone so I ask to a friend of mine to be my buddy, it became easier and funny and you can soend wuality time with friend/partner/family.

What do you do for your body? which are your exercise for free that you like?
