This past last week is been a little bit weird, my  lovely dog has somehealt issues but we have faith in God and also if sometimes we are really worried for her healt, we know He will solves all problem, but there is a time for everything.
I didn't use car never, I used only foots and bike, good so I am choose ecological and savvy at the same time. I've studied a couple of chapter for the book to prepare myself to exam for Real estate agent; I've do cleaning in my room, created a sort of second desk/office, for the rest my social life is been with a coffe saturday afternoon with Vale, we went for a hour in commercial center to see for her some clothes in sale and we ate ice cream and some talks for the rest my journeys are been about same: wake up, breakfast, study, prepare and post blog for blog, read other blog, dog or baby sitting, homework,lunch, some relax, errands, book or study time, several long walks with dog and then bedtime quiet early. I said that my journeys are been a little bit boring this week.
I'm using my free time to put order inlibrary, choosing books to donate for charity and other to try to sel, doing programs , list of books I want to read, re read, buy, gift, list with goals to achieve and my list of things I would like to do in my entire life is every day longer. Sometimes I feel like a list woman!!!

  1. The most I've spent this last week was about bills, so boring but necessary
  2. Today I feel bored toward money because in some moments have a budget to respect is really stressful and I would like to be richer so I could do whatever I want without being worried and do calculus like if I buy it I cannot do this...but then I think that having frugal life is ok!
  3. Money can't buy happiness One free thing I did I did last week that made me happy was: opening  penpals boxes and catalog the letters inside in order, re reading a lot of things wrote several years ago, snail mail I love!
  4. I will consider  this week a success if I understand how I can sell books on Amazon
  5. MY favourite cereal: Cheerios, yummy with soy milk are delicious
