I am been absent for some days because I worked a lot and cause my father had healt issues, this 2013 for our family is been rich and full of proves, being humans ans imperfect we're quiet tired about all those proves but we still have faith in God, so we're sure that everything happens for a reason.
My finances this week are been good but savings bad, all extra income went into grocery store, fuel and condo's rate...but luckily I had time to talk with friends, write, start to read second part of the book 2-in.1 by Carmen Reid, to be honest I was looking for the 3-in -1 but it seems impossible to find, plus I've bought some socks for winter-I know they aren't sexy but so warm and comfty!!!.. This morning I am going to buy organizer for 2014 and if I find it also calendar planning by the Little Prince novel -have you ever read it? It is a book that everyone, kid or adult would must to read!!!
Last week end I was watching the sports event calendar and honestly I believe I have all week ends until march busy with cafe, this means that I must to work hard on savings for my goals (long term: deposit for home; short term 3 week end gateways in Europe)

This is a picture from my american holiday in 2012

  1. The most I've spent this last week was on: grocery (healt, seasonal, local products), condo's rate (we did renovation works that cost a lot and everymonth we have a rate major than usual, we will finish to pay this work on december, we're already pay half the bill), fuel -yep, this week I used car more often but I had my reasons, for this week I don't know I am tryng to have 2 no spending days.
  2. Today I am thankful for MYFAMILY, is true me and my brother don't talk a lot but if in family (for mfamily I mean me, brother, mum and dad) there is a problem we are compact a group that shares and is helpful with each other.
  3. Money can't buy happiness One free thing I did last week and made me happy was watching a tv program together my parents, quality time!
  4. I will consider this week a success if my desks in my room will be so organized until the end of the week.
  5. My ideal first winter holiday would be: London or Paris, the first because I have a lot of friend that are living and/or studing over there, second because I visited Lyon and most people says that Lyon and Paris are as twin cities so I am curious to see if it is true.
