If I ask to my friend how many objects they have at home, 50% say basic few I'd like to have more but i can't afford or I don't want spend money and the other 50% says that has too much and would like to put everything in a bin...So I talked about Swapping and they said but I don't want swap clothes, and me but you can swap everything and start to talk about swap and share....
The girl who lived a full month swappig
swapping clothes
other swapping moments

In June 2011, crisis already existed so many people came back to ancient business method SWAP, why don't trash thing that could be useful for someone other...in This article in Cosmopolitan (italian version) this young girl saved €890 in a month living swapping a lot of things...at the beginning I thouhgt that swapping was good only for clothes, but this isn't true...on this italian site (there are a lot for all over the world)  Zero relativo you can find a lot of things, also great services...think maybe you would like to learn a new language and in the site there is someone that offer service you are looking for, you can pay offering a italian cooking course or whatever the other is looking and you have...Swapping services and I know most famous is swapping party for clothes but honestly every kind of swap is very very good, because offers the opportunity for you to donate objects that you aren't going to use to someone who really need and both save money!!!

When my mum talks about her childhood and her parents childhood there is always a magic world SHARING( tp undrerstand what world means go here), in th epast sharing things were normal( I love this pics on first sigth , lovely kids that are sharing a drink without thinking who pays in the end?So lovely and pure), with era changes, life and hibits changed too most people lost this feeling...but also if crisis-recession isn't been good for personal economy, it is been good for re discover this feelish turning back to Share things, for example if you and your neighboorhoods have a good relationship why don't chose to share car (car pooling),baby sitting services and a lot of more services...there are a lot of site where you can find a couch (couch surfing)  in every part of the world and other...this is good but to be honest if I don't know well the person I'd be always a little be scared and afraid...but if you know people why don't find a deal for a lot of things...for example a baby sitter cost 10 per hour so it means that in a month you coul pay a lot but if you do a deal with other parents and organize turns to do baby sitting, every couple is calm because knows that their kids are secure and in the end of month you saved!!!

So this could be not a good period for economy but is became a great period for real feelings, what do you think?


  1. I did not about this kind of swapping. I think it is very useful and, as you state, helps people to recover those profound feelings lost across the years. It is a practical mean to understand more the needs of the others and to apply the word "love".


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