I decided that I would like to stay far from internet and pc, durng week ends, yes I will have my blackberry but working in the cafe I'll be really busy and I will more focused on real things...honestly last thursday night I watched the movie DISCONNECT and I must to say that also if technology battled barriers between countries, is true also that most of relationship ended for social networks, honestly I found the movie well done...a sor of window of this tech era and there aren't only good side...
I'm not agains web, also cause it helps me to pay my monthly bills:P but is true that most of us chose to keep all their relationship (friendship or love) only on virtual side losing the joy of real and simple things like a real hg and not only an emotion via web...so this is why during this year I am going to try to have real dates with friends for real connection...

Whishing to everybody to have a great week end!!!!
