When you are on a budget or you understood that is the moment to have one, you’d must to spend a amount of nights at home, so you can understand better yourself and your feeling during shopping, maybe most shopping habit are wrong and is never too late to change them.

I was talking with a friend of mine that does shopping and buy a good amount of items quiet regularly, so talking she admitted that she like shopping because it is a way to fill loneliness, same thing to hang out almost every night eating out (buy food, eat in fancy local could be worst spending habit)… so I suggest to track your expenses daily and have a journal where you’ll write every time you’ll have impulse to buy and which feelings you have in that exactly moment.

Yes at the beginning it could be very boring moment but then I believe you’ll love spend time at home, you'll like to use your creativity to prepare nice meals, reading that book you've bought long time ago but you didn't read yet, last but not least only true friends will stay on your side and will help you in this process, fake friends magically disappear when you stop to open your wallet always!

 I did the same and I understood which bad feelings I had during shopping moments, then I thought about my brother’s friends and mine. Usually my brother’s friend organize dinner into their home, while me and my friends choose local, low cost but we eat into locals…but me and my friend Claudia are going to organize a lunch/dinner at home once per month.

Money saved from this kind of shopping ban could be used to do something that we’ll love like cooking course, wine testing course, kayak adventure..yes these things aren’t free but you’re not buying an item you are going to have and EXPERIENCE and it is a little bit different.

Last summer I discovered a nice tv program with Gail Vaz-Oxlade where she teaches to “Princess”, how to have a budget and became debt free, it is lovely and I still remember an episode where the young Princess had some trials to achieve and the last was the most hard for her, spending nights at home, for a person that hang out every day is not easy change completely, but hei is never too late to change your wrong habits and build new good for your present and your future!!!
