Since I've started to have a budget to respect, I started to find interesting all article and blog with suggestion "how to save", and also one of my favourite fashion magazine had intereesting articles about finance and I love several articles on the mag. I found this really helpful, I'm not saying that in the end of the month you'll be millionar woman/man but you will have saved some money that in the end of year could be an interesting amount.

But your current situation of your money could be as this image:
and following some suggestions in the end you could have some money:

1, Make a list
write on paper all your expenses, use the webto track all your finances.
2, divide all your bills (monthly, trimestral, semestral, annual) /12 so you know exactly an amount to save moonthly
3,Stay focused on your goal(new car, sxpensive holiday, new pair of shoes) put the image on your pc as screen saver and also to mobile phone too
4,Cut the debt, maybe you have several rates to pay, try to talk with your bank asking if is possible to have on eonly rate maybe it could be longer but the rste could be lower that you have.
5, No spending Try for a day per week to don't spend money bring with you only your documents and your cards will stay at home so you will not tempted to buy not necessary items
6, Think about your credit card, Do you use it? Do you know the annula cost of interest on it also if you don't use it? Visit web to have detailed informations
7,Shopping no dresses you need to do is buy folders to have a good organized financial documents

8,Bring your lunch from home: Prepare your meal the day before is healtier and savy (considering that a normal lunch cost €5 in the end of month you can save €100)
9,Cash teraphy
When you did a list on day 1 you understood the exactly amount you can spend daily, try to put it on your wallet and you cannot overspend, you must respect the budget
10, Plan for fuel it is becaming expensive so use web to stay informed about which gasoline station have better price in detrmined days of week
11, Change the bank maybe you have a old bank account with low interests, see which offers have other banks and then decide if is better swap thebank
12,Swap clothes every woman loves tohave new clothes but having a budget you cannot buy a lot so organize a swap party at home with friends and you'll have new clothes for free
13, Organize your payments in monthly amount because is better to pay €400 monthly that €1200 every 3 months

14, Have a calendar, use your mobile phone to remember the day when you must to pay so you will not tempted to have withdrawal in your bank account
15: Comfty food everone of us as one comfty food and there are days when you don't want to cook and you're tempted by takeaway prepare ahead comfty food and put in freezer
16, Control your retirement, is never too soon or too late to understand retirement plan and chose better solution for you
17.Try to ask a “higher salary” most woman are still paid less then a men so try to ask for your worth
18 your debt history maybe in the ast you already had a debt/loan and now you would like to ask for a mortage but you don't know about your debt history
19, Decluttering
After the swap party you still have a lot of things in you home that you're not going to use, try to sell on web, this could help you to clean the house and earn something

20, Bills Download app on your mobile to have tracks of your bills, finance information and current balane available
21, Piggy Bank Every night open your wallet an put all cents in piggy bank and open it only whenit will be full ( I chose a blinded piggy bank)
22, Take notes Write on paper al your daily purcheses (gum, shoes, fuel etc.) look on the web for program that helps you to see the areas when you're overspending
23, Savings If you don't have debts pput part of your paycheck into a saving account that (deposit only withdrawals are not possible)
24, Light off When all your electronics items are not in use is better to don't have stand by light because it has a cost so is bette to unplug all the devices
25, Cut the Gym, this doesn't means that you mustnt do exercise but you can find virtual trainer for free or find free exercise to do in the park with a buddy (saving at least €20 per week)

26, All inclusive In determinated cases is better to have the same provider for adsl, phone, gas, light, water, mobile.
27,Gift/Treat yourself also if you'r in a budget is possible that near your house ther is a school for estetician or hairstylust that offer real good deals
28Taxes. Use one folder that you bought on day 7 to put all documents qwill be necessary for taxes declarion, maybe you can have a reimbursement
29 Use excel to do a list with all number and impportant information of your cards so if happensa something you know exactly who maust to call
30, Don't be Tempted Reciving newletter form Groupon and other similar sites you can be tempted to buy not necessary items delete yourself from the mailing list.

Usually there are months of 31 days and Februray could be 28 or 29 so I did a average of 30 and in the final evening of the month organize a low cost party (There are a lot of ideas almost free or really really low cost that you can do)at home being happy for your financial life.
As I wote onthe begiinig of this post yo'll not became a true millionaire in one month but you'll start to do some changes that will have real effect on your personal and financial life.
