This past week is been interesting, I've met new person at the park suring my afternoon as nanny, to be honest I  noticed also some couples that are moving first steps into relations world.

Park is a great lace for kids, butI  noticed that sometimes could be a dangerous zone for couples...let me explain better, on tues or wed Iw as in the park with my eyes on the lovely little reverend's daughter, then she decideed to take a trip on the little trainin the park, 5 minutes alone....I loked other parents and grandparents onthe benches, well there was a couple a young lady and a young men both with one kid, they talked and laughed a lot and from my point of view they were flirting...

When you are a stay-at.-home mum also if you don't want other relation or other partner, is good for your ego receive compliments, tery to imgine if you have an husband that lives far (for work) from many days, weeks, months or if you are in a very delicate moment into your relation-kids change your couple's life forever- and you meet a nice guy in the park that is nice, gentle, funny and is sending messages to you-ok maybe you don''t want to do nothing or only to be gentle talking with him offering  friendship....but time after time things became more complicated becaus ehe's flirting with you and you're glad a bout it, you start to flirt saying to yourself that it is a innocent thing

...but where is the limit that doesn't offend your partner? when the play could became really danger and  a bad game? What if you fall in love really for other parents, could you broke a couple? Could you live as lover for ever having a double life? Are you sure that this play worths?

In the park I am completely disagree when I see a mum tha tis controlling each second her iphone-tablet or is flirting with a dad (and he is doing the same thing) while their daughter/son is doing something dangerous...then when he/her cries ask "what happened?"-ehm if you watched your son for a while you'd see dangerous things...but at the same time I cannot say nothing becuase I am not a parent, and I am not parent of that kid...also if I am only a nanny I can say is that be a parent is really HARD WORK.... you try to pay attention, but you're not always sure ifthings you do or you're going to do are good or bad... being a parent is a work always in progress


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