Officially we are just entered into the lovely summer season, that during my chealdhood meant sleep late, spend day play outdoor and swimming pool, but with years I noticed that also if the program is the same for mosto f the time, could happens that there are rainy days and usually tv became a baby sitter (or xbox, playstation &co), so why dont find nice activities that don’t involve tv?

Some years ago I’ve bought a nice book about things to do with kids (television is not included) so I’ve did a selection of possibilities…

If your kids, nephews are into kindergarden range of age you mst to find interesting activities that don’t involve also writing skills, while if they are 6 or more years old, first find a time of journey for summer homeworks (in this case take one entire week without touching homeworks, we are always on vacation:P)

However, what kind activities you could do with your kids/nephew or also if you work as nanny:P… I found and I’m still finding a lot of suggestions into “BAMBINI ANIMATI” some selection for activities at home:P

  • ·         Restaurant: it would must to involve at least one kid that is able to write, with little table you can create restaurant and who has writing skills write orders, while mum-uncle-nanny prepare food in the kitchen
  • ·         Exploring the canteen-well you need to have a canteen, I never had one, but I have a garage and when I was a child I loved to explore it
  • ·         Happy No-birthday: if you read Alice in the wonderland this is a great moment, so you can create a special day, it would must to be a surprise but as every birthday it must to have a cake and a gift (maybe something useful like new shoes, new dress9, kids tend to ask new toys for their real birthday
  • ·         Reading a book: in my personal opinion is never to soon for a kid discover the magic world of books so choose one interesting and read with them, they can help you with voices and animal sounds
  • ·         Photos: is true now the majority of us has digital picture but if you want to create a sort of family tree you need to have real pic, choosing togheter your favourite you can tell the story of your family…a good work could became also a sort of paint putted in the entrance of your home as a Welcome and you can make with them cookies because kids love to be involved into cooking process
  • ·         Washdisher: you need to have some dish to wash, then they will have fun with water and soap

Every kind of activity I will suggest has the same final: bath:P
