Maybe you already have a budget, but you would like to save more, but apart finding new side hustle ways to increase your entrances, you can try also different ways:

  • Credit card detox-if you tend to pay always s with your card, is probably that you don’t nticehow much you’re spending until you receive your bank balance, so try for a month to use only cash, write your daily expenses (yep also 20 cent chewingum near chashier) and then control which areas you need to re-adjust.
  • The no spending month- before do it control your financial needs for fuel, food, then nothing more, no new last minute shopping on H&M, no dinner out if it isn’t planned, this month will help you to save and find new free way to have fun with friends and family. I’m, seriously thinking to have a shopping ban period during summer, but I am still unsure about it
  • Go on spending diet: plan your spending, without having problems to say “I cannot afford this or this”, true friends understand and help you, others magically will disappear so if normally you spend 50 each month on new clothes or  for eating out, for a month try to don't touch that amount so no new clothes and no eating out
  • Slash your food bill in half-ok this isn’t the most easy thing, especially if you buy organic food, however choosing local, seasonal offer you a good deal on final bills, but write weekly meal planning, then look into your cabinets and write final list of things you really need, it will help you to don’t overbuy and using fantasy you’ll cook great dish with few money!!!
  • Lower your bills: confront cost of things-services that could find cheaper, for example I’ve just paid my car insurance and my car is covered until 10th of December, well I’m going to find a cheaper way to send less on it, I’ve changed my mobile subscription and for a monthly cost I’ve more services thana year ago. Web helps to compare prices and deals
